I would like to Say a big thank you to all the people who encourage me, who help me and who visit me during my operation....and they are...
Sim Family who pray for me and give me encouragement ... thank you
Maureen & Doreen.. thanks for sending me to Airport (that i totally forgot i am going for operation...and thanks for the small gift (he he)
Jin Kwong.. thanks for your sms....
My Lovely Diana.. thanks for ur call.... mean so much to me... thank you
Yen Mei & family... thanks for ur arrangement and the support...
3rd aunty.. thank you for ur mee suan...
Ivy & Eugeue .. thanks for ur visiting and the carrot cake.. still miss that.. ha ha
Hsii & 6th aunty... thanks for visiting and the Danish Bread.. Yummy !!!
Laura (BH)... thanks for your movie and of course your flower and teddy...
Yiwan & Rusli ... thanks for the gift and the cough medicine, it helps so much
Koo Boon... thanks for your fruits and visiting...
A big big thank you to chee hong, who drive me and my family around , really thanks hong..
Penny... big thank you for cooking before my mum arrival... your food is really Yummy!!!
My brother... who keep asking my hubby... is she out yet? is she out yet? Thank you..
Pearly.. thanks for your good luck...
Thanks my mother in law for her encouragement and her caring......
Debby.. thanks for trying to visit but wasn't fit to see u during weekend..
Thank you my parents who fly over to visit me and take care of me... especially my mum who help me to cook and who take care of me.... Thank you so much..
Of course a big thank you to My hubby, without him with me in sg.. i won't think i will make the operation possible.. thanks for staying with me all the time, care about me.. did breakfast for me ( Best Breakfast i had for my whole life), do washing and laundry... and lots and lots.. love u so much!!
Also for those Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Friends who wish me well... that i miss out their name... Thank You... Thank You...
Big big thank you to all of you..... really from my heart.... thanks
I am resting at home now... when i totally recover.... i will belanja you all ok ok(makan selamat)? For cousin in singapore, i will be back for check up... so get ready ..okok..