Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SS501- Love ya

credit to I2ocknicoli

This is my favorite among all the performance, of course i love all the performance but this one is my favorite!! Enjoy guys!! I really enjoy so much with their new song and their move so sexy!!! Double S fighting!! No matter what happened, i am always with you guys. Even tho all of you going to do solo activities, i am always here to support you guys!! Hope all the green peas hang on there~~

Special Japanese Night Prepare by Ling2

Our big sister, lingling invited us to her house and she cooked Japanese for us... Food is soooooooooooo yummy, especially the soup. I am not a soup person, but the soup she cook with salmon is sooooooooooooooo nice!!! All the food is sooooooooooo nice and yummy!!


Arigatou lingling san!!!

Cousin Gathering June 2010

Yes... Our diana and Hongie is back!! Of course we need to have a small cousin gathering before our hongie left to his Kampung!!! We did had a great time.... Food is Yummy!! I want to thanks all the cousins who brought the yummy food.... and who came to join the cousins gathering!!! Without you all... of course, cannot be done, right???

Saturday, June 05, 2010

[290510] Alan & Hacken Concert in Sg

At last i have a chance to watch Alan&Hacken, always wanted to watch them. I use to crazy about them too... when i was in Adelaide. Both of them really can sing LIVE, and of course alan is not as good as hacken in dancing but singing live both of them are really good!!! Is a 3hr concert.... and i am sitting quite near!!! Hope to go for more concert... the next one is BIG 4 in KL!! Hope i can make it la... Here is a video... would like to share with you all...!! Enjoy!!!